Equipment Ready

For the paranormal investigator or Ghost hunter, there is a plethora of equipment that is readily available when it comes to getting gear suitable for you case. First and foremost , is the equipment case, durable enough to protect your valuable gear and sizable to easily fit the needed tools you’d normally use during your case work. Most of us are familiar with the basic tools needed for the field already because a good portion of them are or have been used for regular use at some time and point. Take the camera, most commonly, the digital kind. They’re use not only can be done for regular photos, but many people use them for night photos as well, as long as you have an IR ( infrared ) lens, you photos should come out fairly well, provided your maintaining a stationary position without doing much moving as the results will undoubtedly result in blurred development. Other pieces of equipment that are used for other than investigative work are the EMF readers, audio recorders and video camcorders. In today’s society, there has been an on pour of new gear being developed at a high rate and much of that can be easily adapted to use with cell phones via app technology.

There are also specific pieces of gear that has been developed with the intent of locating or listening to those of the spirit realm, such as a ghost box, rem pods, paranormal pucks, trigger objects and motion sensors. Commonly, during the planning of an investigation, members of a team work with tools they are most proficient with. The reason for this is when members are most knowledgeable with their gear, the better the outcome of the data that is gathered. Starting out with one piece of equipment and learning everything you can about it is your best bet before concerning yourself about getting other tools. I have worked along side many that have gone on cases carrying two or three cases full of gear, and yet are only somewhat knowledgeable on maybe one or two pieces of equipment. On an ending note, make sure you are comfortable with the tools you bring as it says much about you as an investigator.