For as long as I can remember, starting as a child, I knew never to go alone in the dark, by myself. Whether it was a rule all; kids passed onto each other in school, parental warnings, that were used to control their kids at bedtime or just a preservation instinct sort of thing, it was just common sense.
This old rule of thumb, is and will always be a wise one, especially when it has to do with paranormal investigating or ghost hunting. Not everyone in the field however takes this rule into consideration as a safety precaution as it is so obviously cautioned as. Sure, many feel it is a kind of mature choice to make, but think about it ! In any given circumstance, as an investigator or hunter, should you venture out alone towards a selected area to investigate and you come across a situation that could put you in harms way, how would you resolve such a matter ? In making prior preparations , most of us make notice to tell family, friends or affiliates of the field as to where we will be and how long, but time can and is always of the essence. Going it alone can always seem the right answer, but where your own safety is concerned...don't chance it.